Help Your Team Deliver Results With This Ggoal-Setting Approach “FAST and Not Only SMART Business Goal Setting”


A manager’s duty is to manage their team to help them walk towards the goal and then succeed. It is always a proven method to use SMART. That is to say, a goal must fit the metrics of this method Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound. This helps a business leader to come up with a strategy that works and tracks the performance through the process of the goal of achieving. Although this method has proved to point out essential points, there is more thieving a goal in practice. A team would not be an efficient team without communication. It is important to create a space of opportunity and communication to bring out each team member’s full potential.

Experts including Austin Stanfel believe following the SMART method may undervalue the perspective of the members. There is no space for recommendations and newly introduced ideas. Instead, the SMART method focuses on the shortcuts to achieving goals by setting rigid rules and following the statistics. Innovation is the leading strategy of today’s market. It is vital for a business’s success. Below is some recommendation to increase the proficiency of the team and magnify the potential by sharing ideas and communication within a team. These ideas are also known as FAST; Frequent, Ambitious, Specific, Transparent.

The FREQUENT discussion of the goals

A year-end may be simply too far to check for your team’s overall work. It might be checked regularly on the basis of the milestones a team leader sets. Other team members must be aware of these milestones for being mentally prepared at the same time, it can work out as a reward system.

It also highly depends on the nature of the work, metrics that are involved in a goal-setting may be highly different. It can be a sudden shift in the project’s statistics or new conditions based on the client’s request or market imbalances. These changes must be addressed immediately by quick decision making. These decisions involve realigning the goal progression and reconsidering the factors and data affecting it.

A communicative group leader sets quarterly meetings to brainstorm ideas and discusses the progression of the team towards the set goal. An example of such leading groups is Microsoft, IBM, and Accenture. They have been known to have put aside the traditional leading frameworks and incorporating an ongoing discussion on how employees are doing against their goal on a continuous basis. This keeps the employee’s mind always on the topic and also gathers more realistic data for their goal estimation.

AMBITIOUS goals are a way to go

Creating better conditions in any field is highly related to pushing boundaries and stepping out of the comfort zone. If you, as a group leader set goals that are safe, may not be exactly a helping factor. Setting so-called “safe” goals will definitely make the employees more confident as they have performed similar tasks before. On the contrary, it also may cause reducing the ambitions to thrive and deter the progression rate as well.

Leaders have an important role in setting goals that are risk-taking and kicks the whole progress up a notch and to a whole new level. They must also be wary of setting the goals that are unrealistic and out of reach considering the factors involved in their parameters. It is good for a communicative leader to refer to SMART while adding the new methods of goal setting leadership that is brave and rule-bending.

It is also important to give enough creative spaces while providing a sensation of safety for the workers. If the employees do not feel secure, they may not open their minds for losing their safe grounds, thus being less innovative and proficient.

SPECIFIC outline of the goal should be clarified

It is the job of a goal leader or a project manager to translate words into actions in a precise and coherent manner. Although a leader creates a safe space for employs to have a personal innovative comfort, although they must be introduced in a work-frame. This framework must be aligned with a time frame as well. The leaders create responsibility charts and milestones for their employees. They could ask their options about how they could be more innovative in the given area. However, leaving these areas of responsibility open-ended, it might create confusion in takes performance, lack of management and consequently lack of productivity and progression when it comes down to achieving the goal.

Simplifying the process details helps the group members to have a clear focus on their work area. This way, a goal leader can bring in more responsibility and innovation from the team members.

TRANSPARENCY of goals is a must
A goal requires collective transparency when it is to be performed as a group. It helps them understand their roles, their colleague roles and the stream of progression they are flowing with. It is rewarding to know a progression has been positive; publicity of a goal progression helps the employees to feel that they are getting closer towards the final objective.

This also can help them to understand who is stronger in some specific areas and can get help by seeking their colleague’s advice.


Austin Stanfel believes that the leader’s job is to bring out the best in his group or team members. They relate to him for their actions, motivation, and even the use of their talents. SMART goal setting methods are a classical and beneficial approach although stiff in facing side factors. It could be combined with FAST to a better progression with more clarity and efficiency. A good leader is compelled  to consider all these aspects and have an integral approach. 


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