Tips for an Instagram Marketing

No reason can be good enough for you do not have an active Instagram account for your product. You cannot ignore the importance of this platform for your business. 

You are more likely to reach a person when you visit the place where they are found the most. And where do people these days spend most of their time? Online, of course! You are more likely to establish an audience online than in real life. So if you don’t have an Instagram account, get it up and running right away!

Here are a few tips that will help you get to your target audience.

Read More: Austin Stanfel

1. Develop an understanding with your audience

Sure, you can create the best possible content, according to your own perception. But how much does your audience wants to view it? Don’t you need to think about that first? 

Find out the kind of audience you already have. And then, take the time to fathom who you want them to be. You have to consider if they are your potential buyers or not. In what ways can you get to know your audience better? Try Instagram insights. This feature will give you important details as to how are people interacting with your product, enabling you to make amends. Here is all that is offered by Instagram insights:

Impressions; how many times people viewed your content

Website clicks; how many people clicked your profile

Reach; the number of people who saw your content

Follower activity; how many times your followers use Insta daily

Saves; how many times did people save your post

With all this, you will manage to secure much information about your audience.

2. Using relevant hashtags

Hashtags are going to help get your content to the targeted audience. They are so popular that it is incomplete to post something without them. Here are a few tips for when you begin to put hashtags under your posts. Stick to the few, most relevant ones. If you put a bit too many, you’d overdo it. 

Avoid the tags that are too general, as it will make your post get lost in a sea of other posts. Be more specific.

 3. When should you post?

According to a recent survey, the best timing to post, when most of the users are active, is between 7-9 pm. But you don’t have to follow that necessarily. You have to see what is the time where your audience is active, and that is when you should be posting.

4. Use the stories feature

If you are already active on Instagram, you must know what I am talking about. Stories are a good way to get to your audience due to the following reasons:

Many people view the stories before they even begin to start scrolling. Which means this is a more reliable method. 

They play after one another, so they give you a chance to display more content, in an interesting manner. 

Stories will allow you to be less formal, less polished, so they will allow you to create a more intimate bond with your users.


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