Common Pinterest mistakes to avoid in 2022

Pinterest is a great visual marketing site, one that can make your business an international phenomenon if you get it right.

However, if you make certain mistakes, you will remain a pin in a haystack with no valuable user engagement that can result in sales. Below is a list of marketing goofs to avoid if you want to stand out among the pack:


Not completing your business profile 

This is an easy mistake to overlook, but one that can cost you greatly in image and credibility. Trying to do business with your personal account will dent your professional image on Pinterest, which will lead to few repins and sales. Ensue you complete all the sections of your business profile, including a link to your website. Also ensure you always use a branded logo so that you can be easily identified no matter how many times your content is repined. 

Pinning dull content that dos does not engage your users

 Due to the highly visual and fleeting nature of Pinterest, a mere cursory glance by a pinner is enough to decide if they like you or not.  Learn to use “pin it to win it” contests and frequent promotions to draw the attention of pinners and engage with them. 

Not describing images

 If you post pictures without words, your pins will not appear during a Pinterest search, making for wasted effort. Conversely, a well written description of your products increases your visibility and your click through to your site. Also employ hashtags in your description to enable those customers looking for your product find you easily. 

Not linking to product pages 

The whole idea behind Pinterest marketing is to get repins. Failure to link your post to your product page makes you miss out on important marketing opportunities. Include a link to your product page so that those who see your repins can engage with your posts without having to go to your product page. 

Pinning only your products

 Pinterest marketing is not just about aggressively pushing your product to the public consciousness of pinners. You have to also learn the art of connecting with people on a personal level and giving a human face to your business or product. Pins that identify with your consumers emotionally are more likely to get repined than pins that only push your product. 

Failure to include prices

 Research shows that pins with prices are more likely to get likes than pins without prices. Your consumers are busy people and there are lots of similar brands to choose from apart from yours. The moment they land on your pin, they should find enough information to enable them to make an intelligent decision on whether they will buy your product or not. 

Abandoning your Pinterest profile 

This one really is a major goof. Do not start a page and then neglect it when the going gets tough. Abandoning your profile paints you in a not-so good color, usually as unstable and not dependable. Patience truly pays. Stick with your profile and your trust index will steadily rise among your consumers.  

Also Check: 2022 Trends and Predictions for Pinterest


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